About this blog

Angles and shadows, animals, rocks, plants, people and places. Who we are and where we stand. These are the things that catch my mind and my eye.

email me - christopher.wayne.almeida@gmail.com

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Walked along elephant rock beach this afternoon where the snow meets the sand and the ocean. A picturesque New England Christmas. Stirring memories of long ago. Flipping through 30 years of images after an evening of food, family and friends. Tonight was one of tying knots. An end and a beginning. Love lives, loves dies, love begins.
Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An hour and a half before departure

20's everywhere. Haven't really sat in this chair, in almost a year. Another Christmas is upon us, another year almost in the books. Looking forward for the jaunt to the Riv. Decided not to sleep till the train. Best idea for the moment. I see a nap in my future. Bags are packed, camera is charged, gifts are purchaced.